Justice League Ultraverse - List

1. Heroes (Justice League, Justice Society, Justice League of America, Justice League Dark, Justice League International, Crusaders and more)
*Clark Kent / Kal-El / Superman – Founding members
*Bruce Wayne / Batman – Founding members
*Diana of Themyscria / Diana Prince / Wonder Woman – Founding members
*Arthur Curry / Aquaman – Founding members
*Bartholomew "Barry" Allen / Flash – Founding members
*Arthur Curry / Aquaman – Founding members
*J'onn J'onzz / Calvin Swanwick / Martian Manhunter – Founding members
*Shayera Hol / Hawkwoman – Founding members
*Hal Jordan / Green Lantern – Founding members
*Mari Jiwe McCabe / Vixen – Founding members
*Oliver Queen / Green Arrow
*Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning
*Raymond "Ray" Palmer / Atom
*Carter Hall / Hawkman
*Laurel Lance / Black Canary
*John Constantine
*Philip Stark / Phantom Stranger
*Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man
*John Stewart / Green Lantern
*Zatanna Zatara
*Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein / Firestorm (Jason Rusch does exist but not as Firestorm)
*Hank Heywood III / Commander Steel
*Cisco Ramon / Vibe
*Cindy Reynolds (the Gypsy moniker is not used due to unfortunate implications)
*Theodore "Ted" Kord / Blue Beetle
*William "Billy" Batson / Captain Marvel (I'm not using Shazam since that's the name of the wizard who granted Billy his powers)
*Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate
*Scott Free / Mister Miracle
*Barda Free / Big Barda
*Kimiyo Hoshi / Doctor Light
*Michael Carter / Booster Gold
*Jessica Cruz / Power Ring / Green Lantern
*Nathaniel Adam / Captain Atom
*Beatriz da Costa / Fire
*Tola Olafsdottir / Ice
*Katherine "Kate" Kane / Batwoman
*Jason "Jay" Garrick / Flash
*Alan Scott / Green Lantern
*Buddy Baker / Animal Man
*Vivian and Constance d'Aramis / Crimson Fox
*John Diggle / Guardian
*Alexandra "Alex" Danvers
*Daniel Cassidy / Blue Devil
*Clara Kendall / Tomorrow Woman
*Patrick "Eel" O'Brien / Plastic Man
*Hippolyta of Themyscria / Dorothy Hinckley / Wonder Woman (I decided to have Dorothy Hinckley being a human alter ego for Hippolyta when she gave up Donna for adoption)
*John Henry Irons / Steel
*Jason Blood / Etrigan / Demon
*Irwin Schwab / Ambush Bug
*James "Jim" Harper / Guardian
*Dinah Lance / Black Canary
*Victor Sage / Question
*Renee Montoya / Question
*Helena Bertinelli / Huntress
*Selina Kyle / Catwoman
*Lana Lang / Superwoman
*Kenan Kong / Superman of China
*Deilan Peng / Wonder Woman of China
*Baixi Wang / Batman of China
*Avery Ho / Flash of China
*Ahn Kwang-Jo / Aquaman of North Korea
*Jennifer Barclay / Mystek
*Dorcas Leigh / Godiva
*Boston Brand / Deadman
*Thea Queen / Speedy
*Rac Shade / Shade
*Simon Baz / Green Lantern
*Alec Holland / Swamp Thing
*Mera Curry
*Bobo T. Chimpanzee / Detective Chimp
*Jean-Paul Valley / Azrael
*Kai-Ro / Green Lantern
*Rex Stewart / Starhawk
*Katma Tui
*Razer / Blue Lantern
*Sara Lance / White Canary
*Patrick Dugan / STRIPE
*Katar Hol / Hawkman
*Wesley Dodds / Sandman
*Jim Corrigan / Spectre
*Rex Tyler / Hourman
*Al Pratt / Atom
*Ted Knight / Starman
*Charles McNider / Doctor Midnite
*Ted Grant / Wildcat
*Dan Garrett / Blue Beetle
*Terry Sloane / Mister Terrific
*Joan Dale / Miss America
*Shiera Saunders / Hawkwoman
*Jack Knight / Starman
*Sanderson Hawkins / Sand
*Michael Holt / Mister Terrific
*Teth-Adam / Black Adam
*Pieter Cross / Doctor Mid-Nite
*Maxine Hunkel / Cyclone
*Calvin Ellis / Val-Zod / Superman
*Sara Butters / Red Beetle
*Amaya Jiwe / Vixen
*Johnny Thunder
*Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
*Augustus Freeman IV / Icon
*Hernan Guerra / Dark Superman
*Kirk Langstrom / Man-Bat / Dark Batman
*Bekka / Dark Wonder Woman
*Wenonah Littlebird / Owlwoman
*Simon Trent / Gray Ghost
*Carol Ferris / Star Sapphire
*Andrea Thomas / Isis
*Katherine "Kathy" Kane-Webb / Batwoman
*Nubia / Wonder Woman
*Guy Gardner / Green Lantern

2. Villains (major only)
*The Light
*Injustice League
*Crime Syndicate
*Justice Lords
*Uxas / Darkseid
*Felix Faust
*Damien Darhk
*Vandal Savage
*Maxwell Lord (neutral as he borders between antihero and villain)
*Legion of Doom

3. Allies (notable)
*Snapper Carr
*Steve Trevor
*Legion of Superheroes
*Suicide Squad
*Legends of Tomorrow (based on the Arrowverse team)
*Birds of Prey
*Masters of the Universe of Etheria
*Rebellion of Eternia
*Adam Strange
*Alanna Strange
*Lois Lane Kent
*Iris West-Allen
*Power Company
*Harrison Wells
*Justice Guild
*Marvel Family
*Tonya Lightfoot / Sasquatch Detective


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