First Rangers to morph per each Power Rangers production era
By production era, I mean during the time when the franchise was under a different ownership.
- First pic: Zack Taylor (Walter Jones) / Black Ranger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, 1993) - Saban Entertainment era (1993-2002)
- Second pic: Dustin Brooks (Glenn McMillan) / Yellow Wind Ranger (Ninja Storm, 2003) - Disney era (2002-2010)
- Third pic: Mike Parry (Hector David Jr.) / Green Samurai Ranger (Samurai, 2011) - Saban Brands era (2010-2018)
- Fourth pic: Devon Daniels (Rorrie D. Travis) / Grid Battleforce Red (Beast Morphers, 2019) - Hasbro era (2018-present)