Top 10 of All Time Part 22

Top 10 Films That Would Have Happened

10. Romance of the Pink Panther
9. Batman vs Superman
8. High School Musical 4
7. X-Men Origins: Magneto
6. Night Skies
5. Spider-Man 4
4. Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian
3. Mrs. Doubtfire 2
2. Superman Lives
1. Star Wars Episodes VII-XII

  • Project: During production of A New Hope, Creator George Lucas originally planned to do twelve Star Wars film and according to his notes, the original trilogy were indeed labelled Episodes IV-VI, the prequel trilogy being Episodes I-III. However, after the release of Episode VI, Lucas reduced the number of films to nine.
  • Cancelation: On the 20th anniversary of the franchise, Lucas confirmed that after the prequel trilogy was completed, he would not be making any more Star Wars films, ending any possibility of a sequel trilogy after he felt that the post-Episode VI novels were the official continuation. At the same time, he said that he will not have any director to direct any future films.
  • Aftermath: After a 15 year cancelation, announcing his retirement from making films, selling his company Lucasfilm to Disney on 2012, Lucas and Disney confirmed that the sequel trilogy is back in development and Episode VII was confirmed for a 2015 release date despite a mixed fan reception. 

Honourable mention: Daredevil 2 and Hairspray 2


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