My rewrites of Power Rangers stuff – Disney

Power Rangers (Disney era)

Power Rangers Ninja Storm

  • A team up with Wild Force does happen.
  • Leanne Omino is the Citrine Thunder Ranger in this version.

Power Rangers Dino Thunder

  • Elsa is revealed to be Trent's mother Elena Fernandez, who was presumed dead along with Terrance Smith before being forced into evil by Mesogog. I went with this instead of the planned concept of Katherine being Elsa.
  • Kimberly is married to Tommy in this version and would don a similar suit as Jannu after being brainwashed by Zeltrax.
  • Hayley becomes the Crimson Stego Ranger and is openly lesbian like in the original proposal.
  • Fridgia is a recurring villainess in this version

Power Rangers SPD

  • Sky does not act like a jerk at the start of the series.
  • Sophie becomes SPD Gold Ranger.
  • Boom becomes a genuine SPD Orange Ranger than pretending to be one.
  • Sam and Nova are not from the distant future, therefore they do not stay morphed when they go back in time.
  • Dr. Manx' SPD Kat Ranger is not temporary.
  • Sam does use SWAT Mode.
  • After Jack retires, Elizabeth and Sydney gain new numbers with Lina becoming the new SPD Green Ranger.
  • How the A-Squad Rangers pulled a face heel turn would be explained in this version.
  • The SPD Rangers do not have their memories erased after the conclusion of their team up with Dino Thunder.
  • Morgana redeems herself in the end.

Power Rangers Mystic Force

  • Nick is not the centre of attention and is more likeable in this version.
  • Leelee becomes a Ranger in this version, being the Black Mystic Ranger.
  • Instead of Rita being the Mystic Mother, it's her mother Fienna who is the Mystic Mother in this version.
  • Udonna regains her White Mystic Ranger powers midway than near the end.
  • SPD do team up in this version, taking place prior to the finale of SPD, hence why the changes in the finale haven't yet occured.

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive

  • The Overdrive Rangers do not walk off and act unsympathetic. In fact, they remain part of the team after the Retro Rangers arrive.
  • Mystic Force do team up in this version.
  • Ryan is part of the Retro Rangers in this version.
  • Rose is British in this version.
  • Miratrix reforms near the end and helps the Rangers during their final confrontation against Flurious.
  • Thrax is the mutant clone of Zedd in this version.

Power Rangers Super Legends

  • While it is based on the video game, it's a spinoff focusing on the Retro Rangers.
  • Lord Zedd is actually an alternate universe of him.

Power Rangers Jungle Fury

  • Operation Overdrive do team up in this version.
  • Camille and Jarrod gain Ranger forms after they join the Rangers midway.
  • The Spirit Rangers instead comprise of Silva Jennings as Shark Ranger, Gabby Phant as Elephant Ranger and Theo's brother Luen as Bat Ranger.

Power Rangers RPM

  • Venjix gets defeated for good than being trapped in Scott's morpher.
  • Jungle Fury do team up in this version.
  • Kamen Rider Dragon Knight crossover in this version.


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