Red Hood and the Outlaws Ultraverse - List

From my DeviantArt page:

1. Heroes (mostly antiheroes)
*Jason Todd / Red Hood – Founding members
*Artemis of Bana-Mighdall / Artemis Grace – Founding members
*Kent Clark / El-Kal / Bizarro – Founding members
*Tina Boland / Canary – Founding members
*Connor Hawke / Green Arrow
*Elaine Cain (based on DCEU!Cassandra Cain, as played by Ella Jay Basco)
*Komand'r / Blackfire
*Kell-El / Superman X (based on the Legion of Superheroes animated series character)

2. Villains (major only)
*Roman Sionis / Black Mask
*Veronica Sinclair / Roulette
*Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias
*Lex Luthor

3. Allies (notable)
*Suicide Squad
*Guardians of the Galaxy
*Justice League
*Birds of Prey


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