Friends highest rated and lowest rated episode by season
- Season 1 (1994-1995)
- Highest rated: "The One Where Rachel Finds Out" - 31.3 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Butt" - 18.2 million
- Season 2 (1995-1996)
- Highest rated: "The One After the Superbowl" - 52.9 million (overall)
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Bullies" - 24.7 million
- Season 3 (1996-1997)
- Highest rated: "The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister" - 29.8 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Screamer" - 22.63 million
- Season 4 (1997-1998)
- Highest rated: "The One with Ross' Wedding" - 31.61 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Invitation" - 21.51 million
- Season 5 (1998-1999)
- Highest rated: "The One After Ross Says Rachel" - 31.12 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Ride-Along" - 19.63 million
- Season 6 (1999-2000)
- Highest rated: "The One with the Proposal" - 30.73 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E." - 18.81 million
- Season 7 (2000-2001)
- Highest rated: "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding" - 30.05 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Vows" - 15.65 million (overall)
- Season 8 (2001-2002)
- Highest rated: "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby" - 34.91 million
- Lowest rated: "The One in Massapequa" - 22.05 million
- Season 9 (2002-2003)
- Highest rated: "The One Where No One Proposes" - 34.01 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Fertility Test" - 19.03 million
- Season 10 (2003-2004)
- Highest rated: "The Last One" - 52.46 million
- Lowest rated: "The One with the Cake" - 18.77 million