Stadium 974 in the 2022 FIFA World Cup at Qatar is in fact the first World Cup stadium to be a temporary venue since it's prefabricated as it can easily be dismantled and relocated to somewhere else.
Here's my Ranger Central Manips, to satisfy people because I'm putting my Top 10 of All Time on hiatus. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 1): Jason Lee Scott - Red Ranger (with Dragon Shield, without arm braces) Jason Lee Scott - Red Ranger (with Dragon Shield and arm braces after Tommy's departure) Zack Taylor - Black Ranger (with Dragon Shield, appeared in "An Oyster Stew") Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 2): Rocky DeSantos - Red Dairanger Adam Park - Green Dairanger Billy Cranston - Blue Dairanger Aisha Campbell - Yellow Dairanger Kimberly Hart - Pink Dairanger Tom Oliver - Green Ranger II Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 3): Rocky DeSantos - Red Ape Ranger Adam Park - Black Frog Ranger Billy Cranston - Blue Wolf Ranger Aisha Campbell - Yellow Bear Ranger Katherine Hillard - White Crane Ranger Tommy Oliver - Navy Ranger Tommy Oliver - Navy Ranger (Warrior Mode) Ninjor N...
Top 10 On-Screen Deaths 10. Deaths of Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson), Kit Fisto (Ben Cooke), Luminara Unduli (Mary Oyaya), Barriss Offee (Nalini Krishan), Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura ( Amy Allen ) and Plo Koon (Matt Sloan) in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of Sith (Pictures seen: Mace and co beginning to duel with Palpatine, Mace electrocuted by Palpatine, Aayla shot by clone troopers and Ki-Adi-Mundi before he is shot by clone troopers) Cause of death: Killed under Order 66, killed by clone troopers (several Jedi), killed in a duel by Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), now Darth Sidious (Kit) and impaled by a lightsaber used by Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), later Darth Vader (Mace), fellow Jedi Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) escapes and take refuge in Felucia, though in two deleted scenes she was killed by General Grievous (first version) and Darth Vader (second version) during the events of Order 66 and therefore does not hide in Felucia, but in the final...