Doctor Who main actors

  1. William Hartnell (First Doctor) - 1963-1966 (three years)
  2. Patrick Troughton (Second Doctor) - 1966-1970 (four years, broadcast period: 1966-1969)
  3. Jon Pertwee (Third Doctor) - 1970-1974 (four years)
  4. Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor) - 1974-1981 (seven years)
  5. Peter Davison (Fifth Doctor) - 1981-1984 (three years)
  6. Colin Baker (Sixth Doctor) - 1984-1986 (two years)
  7. Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor) - 1987-1996 (nine years, broadcast period: 1987-1990, 1993 and 1996)
  8. Paul McGann (Eighth Doctor) - 1996-2005 (nine years, broadcast period: 1996)
  9. Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor) - 2005 (one year)
  10. David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) - 2005-2010 (five years) and (Fourteenth Doctor) - 2022-2023 (one year)
  11. Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor) - 2010-2013 (three years)
  12. Peter Capaldi (Twelfth Doctor) - 2013-2017 (four years)
  13. Jodie Whittaker (Thirteenth Doctor) - 2017-2022 (five years)
  14. Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) - 2023-present (ongoing)


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