My rewrites of Power Rangers stuff – MMPR Zordon

Last Sunday, I did a rewrite on some of the notable media continuities from the Big Two comic book publishers, the Warner Media owned DC Comics and the Disney owned Marvel Comics, so today, I am doing my rewrites on Super Sentai and Power Rangers. Please point out that this is not part of the Ultraverse at all.

Power Rangers (MMPR Zordon era)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 1)

  • Lokar's fate is more like his Sentai counterpart's.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 2)

  • The Dairanger suits are used as the Dark Ranger suits, given that their suits in the show were just basically recoloured Z-Putty suits and the team would reform as a secondary Ranger team.
  • Tommy doesn't become team leader until after the Power Transfer, hence Jason remains team leader after Tommy becomes the White Ranger.
  • Scorpina does recur in this version.
  • The Masked Rider crossover occurs in the end than in the beginning of season two.
  • Elements of Necessary Evil (i.e. Omega Rangers) are incorporated in this version.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

  • This would take place after the end of season two and before the beginning of season three with elements of "Ninja Quest" incorporated (i.e. Ninjor).

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (season 3)

  • The Metallic Armor are actually the suits from MMPR: TM.
  • Dulcea appears in this version.
  • Elements of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink occurs in this version with Tommy's clone Tom being the All-New Green Ranger.
  • The Rangers do not get turned into children at all.

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers

  • The Aquitar Rangers' unmorphed forms are NOT like in the actual show.
  • Cestria is a Ranger in this version, being the Pink Aquitar Ranger.

Power Rangers Zeo

  • Tommy and Katherine do NOT end up together as the Dear John letter never happened.
  • Gold Ranger is instead called Zeo Ranger VI Black.
  • Trey of Triforia serves as a supporting character after giving up his powers to Jason.
  • VR Troopers cross over in this version.
  • David Trueheart is a supporting character than a recurring one.
  • Aisha is the first Zeo Ranger II Yellow before passing her powers to Tanya.


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