My rewrites of Power Rangers stuff – Post-MMPR Zordon

Power Rangers (Post-MMPR Zordon era)

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

  • Billy does appear and is revealed to have created the Turbo powers.
  • Rocky does indeed become the Blue Turbo Ranger before passing it to Justin.
  • Elements of "Passing the Torch" is incorporated into this, hence Blue Senturion appears in this version in order to serve as a proper transisition between the old team and the new team.
  • Justin is the same age as T.J., Carlos, Ashley and Cassie.

Power Rangers Turbo

  • Phantom Ranger is the son of Zordon and Dulcea.
  • Divatox being Dimitria's twin is properly focused in this version.

Power Rangers in Space

  • The Psycho Rangers are the original Space Rangers (based on the Supersonic Rangers along with sharing their names) as said team originally comprised of eight with Andros and Zhane being part of them. Ace's Astro Morpher and Trek's Digimorpher were destroyed by Darkonda. They survive in this version while the Psycho Ranges we see in the following season are their successors.
  • Karone does not get turned into a cyborg near the end, so her role as a villainess in the end is instead given to a clone created by Dark Specter.
  • The Z-Wave is done in a similar style as Thanos' Snap in Avengers: Infinity War.
  • Ecliptor, Elgar, Rito, Goldar, Squatt, Baboo, Klank, Orbus and Porto, Gasket and Archerina do not get turned into dust at all, hence they survive along with Rita, Zedd, Divatox and Finster.
  • The Space Rangers gain a power up form, based on the Megarangers' power up forms in Megaranger vs. Carranger.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles do crossover in this version and Venus does appear but as Shredder's foil to the team before she betrays him and sides with the team plus April and Casey do appear as well.
  • Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad and Beetleborgs team up in this version.


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