My rewrites of Power Rangers stuff – Post-Zordon XXI

Power Rangers (Post-Zordon XXI era)

Power Rangers Time Force

  • Captain Logan is revealed the true mastermind behind the attacks affecting the Time Force Rangers.
  • Alex is revealed to be the original Quantum Ranger.
  • Wes and Jen kiss before the latter returns back to the future.
  • Joe Shih does appear as a foreshadowing to his appearance in Hyperforce.

Power Rangers Wild Force

  • Animus is a much better character in this version.
  • Cole becomes a vet after the defeat of Master Org.
  • Eric from Time Force is a recurring character and ultimately dates Taylor in the end.
  • Taylor is the team leader in the entire season.
  • The Machine Empire Remnants are led by Gasket and Archerina in this version.
  • A team up with veteran Rangers comprising of Tommy Oliver (White Ranger), T.J. Johnson (Red Turbo Ranger), Zhane (Silver Space Ranger), Karone (Galaxy Pink), Kelsey Winslow (Yellow Lightspeed Ranger) and Trip Regis (Time Force Green).


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