400 Details of the Ultraverse (12/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-12-20-844277576

221. Metal Men are exactly what they say on the tin.
222. Magnus' team origins are based on their 1993 origin as in being humans turned into metallic robots.
223. Magnus does not become Veridium in this continuity.
224. Nameless' look is different from her comic book counterpart, resembling more like Magneto's robot Nanny.
225. Chemo was created by Magnus' antagonistic brother David in order to expel hazardous liquid materials.
226. Victor (Cyborg) and Jocasta are honourary members of the Metal Men.
227. The Metal Men have teamed up with Superman and Captain America occasionally.
228. The Doom Patrol have been frequent allies with the Metal Men for years.
229. The Death Metal Men are separate characters in this version.
230. Alloy is the merged form of Gold and Iron.
231. Runaways start out as six members like in the source material.
232. Alex (Youngblood) does not pull a face heel turn in this continuity.
233. Nico (Sister Grimm) is good friends with Titan Ravenna Blackbird (based on Rachel's Teen Titans: Earth One counterpart).
234. Due to being a shapeshifting Skrull, Xavin is genderfluid though still using female pronouns as well as using gender neutral pronouns since her true form is a female Skrull.
235. Miles (Spider-Man) has worked with the Runaways to the point that he ultimately became an honorary Runaway.
236. The Runaways' antagonistic parents the Pride have ties to the Legion of Doom.
237. The Runaways are more on friendlier terms with the Titans and the X-Men than they are with the Justice League and the Avengers.
238. Runaways were almost called Renegades but that name never stuck for a lot of reasons.
239. Molly Hernandez (Molly Hayes' MCU counterpart) is a separate character in this version as she's Molly's cousin.
240. Nico was offered to join Justice League Dark but she decided to stay with the Runaways.


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