400 Details of the Ultraverse (17/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-17-20-844476736

321. The DC part of the DC/Marvel Ultraverse also has characters from their other imprints such as their mature oriented imprint Vertigo, their alternate-focused imprint Wildstorm and their minority-focused imprint Milestone.
322. The Marvel part of the DC/Marvel Ultraverse also has characters from their other imprints such as their mature oriented imprint Icon, their alternate-focused imprint Malibu and their science fiction-skewed imprint Crossgen.
323. DC storylines such as Identity Crisis, Heroes in Crisis, Graduation Day and so on will not be included in this continuity.
324. Marvel storylines such as The Crossing, One More Day, Civil War and so on will not be included in this continuity.
325. I know that people will disagree with me on this but Damian's mother is Catwoman in this continuity. However, I am including his Kingdom Come counterpart Ibn al Xu'ffasch to maintain his status as Batman and Talia's son.
326. Instead of meeting her demise at the hands of the Green Goblin, Gwen survives the ordeal and would become Ghost Spider after an unexpected blood transfusion from Peter that saved her life.
327. I've completely phased out the Hawkman/Hawkwoman reincarnation stuff that caused a continuity snarl, so to put it best, the original Hawkwoman Shiera Saunders is the mother of Shayera Hol aka Hawkwoman and Kendra Saunders aka Hawkgirl as well as that her ex-husband is Katar Hol aka Hawkman, while Carter Hall isn't Hawkman in this continuity but instead Golden Eagle.
328. While I did consider having Carol ultimately becoming Captain Marvel like her comic book counterpart, I decided against it as I felt what's the point when she's currently the most divisive and controversial Marvel superheroine right now as Captain Marvel. So, instead I decided to have her ultimately rejecting the offer to replace Mar-Vell as she feels more comfortable being Binary and later Warbird after being Ms. Marvel and the controversial aspects of her as Captain Marvel was ultimately incorporated into her clone Car-Ell since she's not part-Kree in this continuity, hence I repurposed her Kree name for her clone.
329. Given that Wally does ultimately become the Flash in this continuity, his uncle Barry lives to see him being the Flash as around this time, Barry ruptured both of his Achilles tendons during his last showdown with Reverse-Flash, thus rendering him powerless. Also, while Barry would become a father of two named Don and Dawn, his identical twin brother Malcolm Thawne (Thawne is his mother's maiden name and yes, Eddie Thawne is his and Barry's maternal cousin along with the reason why he uses said surname is to avoid confusing him with Barry) is the father of Bart and Thaddeus. Yep, Thaddeus is Bart's evil twin in this continuity instead of his evil clone while Nora Allen (Arrowverse!XS) is instead called Nora West as she's Wally II's older sister, thus her father is Daniel West in this continuity and Malcolm is married to Beverly Lewis, who in the comics was almost Barry's second wife in pre-Crisis and Beverly's first husband is XS' father Jeven Ognats.
330. The Summers family tree isn't a tangled one in this continuity as Jean is the mother of Nathan aka Cable in this continuity but Madelyne Pryor does exist, though not as Jean's clone but as her identical twin sister with her last name being her adopted family's since she was given up for adoption after a nurse (later revealed to be Mister Sinister's lover Claudine Renko) lied to her parents after she was born that she was going to be evil when she's older, though in reality, it was an excuse to give her to Sinister.
331. The 5G event of DC doesn't happen in this continuity with good reason as the true successors to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern in the main future are Clark and Lois' son Jon Kent (as done by Jurgens and Tomasi), Bruce and Selina's son Damian Wayne, Diana and Steve's daughter Lyta Trevor, Wally and Linda's daughter Iris West (she goes by Irey to avoid confusion with her great aunt) and Jaime's sister Milagro Reyes, not Jon (as done by Bendis), Luke Fox, Helen Paul, Captain Cold's son and Sojourner Mullens.
332. Shadowcat and Colossus do not end up together. Let's be honest, the age difference in their relationship was quite squicky and if anything, Colossus is more like a big brother to Shadowcat than a love interest. They end up with someone else instead and yes, Kitty is bisexual in this version (like what Claremont envisioned as he planned to have her end up with Scott and Jean's daughter Rachel).
333. Garfield and Rachel's daughter Tara is based on the latter's post-Flashpoint counterpart (most notably sporting chin length purplish black hair with red highlights than mid length black hair). The reason is due to the fact that I will not be deageing Rachel in my continuity, therefore will not have her as a goth girl like in the animated series and later depictions of her as those aspects will be given to her daughter instead since that way we can have both the classic and goth Ravens plus it's worth knowing that Arella from the animated series does in fact resemble classic Raven after all.
334. That infamous storyline in Avengers issue 200 does not happen at all.
335. Clark and Lois have four children: Jon, Jordan, Mia (Cir-El) and Lara.
336. Jean's fate in this version of the Dark Phoenix saga is similar to her fate in the X-Men: The Animated Series adaptation.
337. Bruce has four biological children (two from Selina and two from Talia): Damian, Helena, Ibn Al Xu'ffasch (Tallant) and Anathasia (Anna)
338. Kwannon is Brian and Betsy's paternal cousin. Unlike them, she speaks in an American accent (like Psylocke's XCU actress Olivia Munn, she's biracial) due to the fact that she was born there.
339. While Black Canary's full name is Dinah Laurel Lance, she prefers to be called Laurel to avoid confusion with her mother (also called Dinah).
340. Sunfire's sister Leyu is a composite character of her 616 counterpart (powers, name and first costume) and her cousin Mariko's Exiles counterpart (look - tieing her hair in pigtails and eyebrow piercing, sexuality and second costume) as she's currently in a relationship with Peter's sister Teresa.


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