400 Details of the Ultraverse (13/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-13-20-844398754

241. Red Hood and the Outlaws were originated as an antiheroic version of the Titans, but it found its own identity later on.
242. The only two constant members of the Outlaws are obviously Jason, since this is his own team and Artemis.
243. Just to point out, the Outlaws rotate from time to time.
244. Tina Boland (Canary) is the paternal cousin of Laurel (Black Canary) and Sara Lance (White Canary) in this continuity. I went with this aspect in order to have her directly connected than being indirectly connected like in the Arrowverse.
245. The Outlaws' main base is located at Bludhaven, which was where Dick used to live during his brief departure from the Titans.
246. The Thunderbolts once offered the Outlaws to join but they said no.
247. The Outlaws have a friendly rivalry with X-Force.
248. Jason and Artemis would ultimately end up as a couple later on.
249. The Outlaws was almost called the Warriors (named after the film) but that was discarded soon after it was considered thanks to Cassandra Cain's young sister Elaine, who is based on DCEU!Cassandra.
250. Lex Luthor did at one point serve as the team's benefactor before it was revealed that he only did took the role in order to have them being part of Luthor Corp, which was eventually called off.
251. Thunderbolts were originally conceived as part of the Avengers, mainly comprising of reformed villains or villains who seek redemption before it became its own team.
252. Helmut Zemo served as the team's benefactor in order for him to create a Hydra version of the Avengers before he was eventually overthrown as a result.
253. Abner Jenkins (Beetle) served as team leader until he was killed in action, which ultimately resulted in Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) to replace him.
254. Arno Stark (Iron Man 2020) is Tony's cousin in this continuity than his brother as I absolutely hate the Bendis retcon in which Tony's parents are not Howard and Maria Stark but instead Jude and Amanda Armstrong.
255. Blizzard and Ghost are based on their MCU counterparts in this continuity.
256. Miles' uncle Aaron (Prowler) joined the Thunderbolts in order to seek redemption.
257. The Thunderbolts have a rivalry with the Punisher, especially that his actions are more dangerous their actions.
258. After severing their ties with Hydra, the Thunderbolts would be backed by the Hulk's father in law General Ross, who coincidentally is nicknamed Thunderbolt.
259. Wade (Deadpool) offered to join the Thunderbolts and while he did accept it at first, he ultimately decided to join X-Force instead.
260. Thunderbolts have teamed up with the Suicide Squad from time to time.


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