400 Details of the Ultraverse (15/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-15-20-844398901

281. Birds of Prey originally began in Gotham City before they relocated to Bludhaven.
282. BOP are a composite of the comic book team as well as the Arrowverse equivalent Green Arrow and the Canaries, along with elements of the 2002 TV series and the DCEU film.
283. The founding members of the Birds are Barbara (Batgirl), Helena (Huntress), Laurel (Black Canary) and Renee (Question).
284. Kara's (Supergirl) clone Galatea would later join the Birds as Power Girl under the alter ego Karen Starr.
285. The Birds' first major foe is Dora Smithy, who is the first Killer Frost in this continuity (nod to the popular headcanon on that Dora became Killer Frost in the DCAU).
286. Notable heroines who joined the Birds are Cassandra (Blackbat), Stephanie (Spoiler), Oliver and Thea's paternal half sister Emiko (Red Arrow), Bette (Flamebird) and Kendra (Hawkgirl).
287. Terry's (Batman Beyond) best friend Maxine Gibson would take over as the new Oracle for the Birds after Barbara regained her mobility and resumed as Batgirl before she ultimately became Hawkfire with the Oracle moniker ultimately given to Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe (Misfit), after losing the use of her legs following a fall.
288. Bruce's (Batman) daughter Helena, named after the Huntress, would join the Birds as years went on.
289. Colleen and Misty from Heroes for Hire are honorary members of the Birds, as well as Natasha (Black Widow) and Wanda (Scarlet Witch) from the Avengers.
290. The Birds of Prey are also known as Batgirl and the Birds of Prey.
291. Men in Black are mostly based on their film counterparts.
292. Like in the first three films, the main characters of MIB are Agent J and K.
293. The MIB has given notable superheroes neuralyzers in order to keep their identities a secret than wanting to have them public.
294. Dick Grayson (Nightwing) once joined the MIB as Agent G.
295. The MIB have worked with SHIELD several times.
296. The MIB once mistook Garfield (Changeling) for an alien due to his complexion as a result of the Sakutia virus.
297. The Space Needle is the base of the Washington division of the MIB.
298. Agent L is a major team member in this version like in her animated series counterpart.
299. The MIB were once based in Area 51 at Roswell, New Mexico.
300. Some Skrull ships have been stored in the MIB base.


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