400 Details of the Ultraverse (2/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-2-20-844060650

21. The X-Men are based in New York, like in the comics and every adaptation, of course.
22. The founding line-up assembled by Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Moira MacTaggert are Scott Summers (Cyclops), Robert "Bobby" Drake (Iceman), Warren Worthington III (Angel), Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast), Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Ororo Munroe (Windrider), Lorna Dane (Polaris) and Alison Blaire (Dazzler).
23. Bobby is bisexual in this continuity as I didn't like how Bendis decided to retcon his romantic past during his X-Men run by revealing that he was a closested gay man the entire time during his romances with Lorna, Cloud, Opal and Kate.
24. Wolverine's origins are similar to the opening prologue of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (one of the few good things from that godawful film) and that his real name is still James Logan Howlett but while Victor Creed is related to him like in the film, he is his nephew than his half-brother as his half-brother Thomas Logan Jr. aka Dog married Carol Creed and took his wife's last name before becoming parents of Victor and Clara.
25. About Scott and Jean, Scott is more like his X-Men Evolution counterpart in terms of personality and hile Jean does become the Phoenix, she survives the ordeal like her Fox Kids animated series counterpart. She's also Cable's mother in this continuity instead of Madelyne Pryor.
26. Pietro and Wanda are still related to Magneto in this continuity, so screw execs for forcing Rick Remender into retconning out their relation to him during his Uncanny Avengers run.
27. After being captured by disgraced anti-mutant general William Stryker, Warren had his wings converted into metallic ones and thus became Archangel. Fortunately, he was freed from his control and eventually rejoined the X-Men.
28. Ororo and Logan would have a brief relationship before deciding to remain friends instead with the latter ultimately resuming his relationship with Mariko Yashida before ultimately getting married.
29. Hank would leave the X-Men for a while and joins the Avengers. It would be this that he would gain a second mutation by becoming a blue furred ape-like literal beast, following an accident.
30. Alison is a singer in vein of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga and agreed to become part of the founding X-Men only on a part-time basis. Not only that but she almost joined the Birds of Prey after being invited by her acquaintance Laurel Lance (Black Canary), though turned it down instead. She has also made an unlikely friendship with half-demon superhero Hellboy.
31. Hepzibah would later be revealed as Scott and Alex's once deceased mother Katherine, whose DNA was altered by Shi'ar renegades who opposed Lilandra from being human to being a cat/skunk-like humanoid.
32. Betsy and Kwannon are paternal cousins in this continuity, so no body swap stuff at all as after Betsy become Revanche, Kwannon would become the new Psylocke.
33. Magneto would reform and eventually join the X-Men after Charles leaves the team to be with Lilandra (similar to what happened in the end of the Fox Kids animated series).
34. Shadowcat and Colossus are not a couple in this continuity as they're more like siblings, not to mention that the former is bisexual (as what Claremont envisioned since he planned to have her hooking up with Scott and Jean's alt-universe daughter Rachel) and the latter would date Domino later on.
35. Rogue doesn't steal powers from Carol Danvers during her time as a villainess but instead from Carol's rival Ripley Ryan. After reforming and joining the X-Men, she would become good friends with fellow member Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) before discovering that they're half-siblings as it's revealed that they shared the same mother, Raven Darkholme (Mystique). She would also begin a relationship with fellow member Remy LeBeau (Gambit).
36. Yukio is Mariko's younger sister in this continuity and is a member of X-Force, led by Cable along with being part of the New Mutants for a while in addition to teaming up with the Titans from time to time.
37. Fallen Angels are led by Logan's daughter Laura Kinney (X-23, later Wolverine) and notable members include Cessily Kincaid (Mercury), Joshua Foley (Elixir), siblings Davis (Slipstream) and Heather Cameron (Lifeguard), Kurt and Cerise's daughter Talia (Nocturne), Calvin Rankin (Mimic) and Quentin Quire (Kid Omega).
38. X-Men Red comprise of Danielle Moonstar (Mirage, later Valkyrie), Sam Guthrie (Cannonball), Xi'an Coy Mahn (Karma), Roberto da Costa (Sunspot), Piotr's sister Illyana Rasputin (Magik), Doug Ramsey (Cypher), Amara Aquilla (Magma), Warlock, Moira's daughter from a previous relationship Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) and Ororo's paternal cousin Evan Daniels (Spyke).
39. Deadpool is more closer to his post-Liefeld comic book and film counterparts.
40. Thunderbird is based on his Gifted counterpart and Sunfire's sister Leyu aka Sunpyre is a composite character of her comic book counterpart (first costume, identity and being a part-time member of Big Hero 6) and her cousin Mariko's Exiles counterpart (second costume, tying her hair in pigtails and sexuality).


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