400 Details of the Ultraverse (7/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-7-20-844177100

121. Suicide Squad was originally called Task Force X but founding member Amanda Waller took over as leader, she renamed the team to its current name, much to the dismay of her predecessor Rick Flag, whose son (also called Rick) serves as Waller's second-in-command.
122. Tatsu (Katana) and Roy (Arsenal) served as the token good teammates of the team following its renaming. Both left when they joined the Outsiders and their positions were ultimately taken over by Eve Eden (Nightshade) and John Blake (Nightwing).
123. Harley is more closer to her DCAU counterpart than her recent post-Flashpoint and DCEU counterparts in addition to that her costume after joining the team is her classic jester costume along with the domino mask though incorporating elements of her recent costumes such as tying her hair in pigtails and dying tips of her hair pink and blue and wearing a bomber jacket.
124. Frank Rock is the great-grandson of Sgt. Rock, who was a decorated soldier in WWII.
125. After working with the Squad, Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) ultimately joined the hero team Legends of Tomorrow.
126. The Thunderbolts were originally affliated with the Squad until SWORD took over control of the team, effectively ceasing ties with them.
127. Barbara was part of the team for a while as Oracle after suffering a near fatal injury at the hands of Harley's abusive ex-boyfriend and former crime partner Jack Napier aka the Joker. She would continue on being part of the team after regaining her mobility until she formed her own team with fellow friends Helena Bertinelli (Huntress), Laurel Lance (Black Canary) and Renee Montoya (Question) called the Birds of Prey.
128. Stephanie's father Arthur Brown (Cluemaster) would be killed in action during a mission as part of the team.
129. Following her breakup with the Joker, Harley would begin a relationship with fellow friend Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) during their time in the Squad.
130. The Squad was once based in Arkham Asylum.
131. Clint (Hawkeye) was offered to join the team but outright declined the offer, feeling that the team lacked any moral sense.
132. Kate (Batwoman) was also offered to join the team but refused to do so, feeling that it was not the right team for her.
133. The explosive collars were considered for the team but it was vetoed due to it being too gruesome, so shock collars are used instead.
134. Mongul's sister Mongal was part of the team for a while before quitting to join the Female Furies.
135. After Waller resigned due to a scandal exposing her true collars, John Diggle's wife Lyla (Harbinger) took over as the new leader, vowing to have the team being more like what it once was when it was called Task Force X.
136. Despite being a team of villains who become reluctant members, not everyone do get along in the Squad.
137. Sylvan Scofield (Sylph) and Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) were tapped as potential candidates but they ultimately didn't join as a result.
138. There were almost plans for a Titans type version of the team but it never materialised due to objections of the Titans themselves.
139. Gen¹³ have teamed up with them from time to time as well as Nextwave.
140. Justice League are reluctant allies of them.


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