400 Details of the Ultraverse (8/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-8-20-844177171

141. Guardians of the Galaxy originated as a team of space pirates working with the Starjammers before they ultimately spun off.
142. Peter's outfit when being Star-Lord is based on his original costume than his current MCU-influenced costume, though his father is still Ego the Living Planet like his MCU counterpart.
143. Drax and Arthur Douglas are not the same person in this continuity.
144. Mantis is a composite character of her comic book and MCU counterparts, especially with her personality being closer to the former.
145. Gamora only joined the team to take down her adoptive father Thanos for what he did to her homeworld before finally realising that she bonded with her teammates more than Thanos ever did to her, thus opted to stay in the team.
146. J'Son of Spartax is Drax's father in this continuity instead of Peter's father like in the comics.
147. Rocket and Groot rarely appear separately, given that they're like brothers.
148. Nebula changes her appearance after she joins the Guardians, going from being an emotionless bald woman who vows to gain honour of her father Thanos along with confronting her sister Gamora (based on her MCU counterpart's appearance) to being a blue-haired antiheroine (based on her comic book counterpart's original appearance).
149. Mar-Vell's children Phyla-Vell and Genis-Vell briefly joined the Guardians for a while.
150. Spider-Man's alternate universe counterpart Spider-Ham almost joined the team but ultimately didn't, thus allowing Howard the Duck to occupy his intended spot.
151. Yondu's space pirate crew comprising of Vance Astro, Charlie-27, Martinex, Stakar Ogord (Starhawk), Heather Douglas (Moondragon), Aleta Ogord, Rita DeMara (Yellowjacket), Krugarr and Kraglin would later join the team.
152. Richard Rider (Nova) would join the team for a while before rejoining the New Warriors.
153. The team's spacecraft is an unused Helicarrier left abandoned by SHIELD after being swarmed by Carol Danvers' doppelganger Car-Ell (Dark Captain) and the Black Order.
154. Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern) was considered to join the team but to no avail.
155. The team's base in Earth is an abandoned warehouse, though they rarely use it.
156. The original name of the team was Quantum Guardians before it was rejected for being over the top.
157. Legion of Superheroes would ocassionally team up with them from time to time.
158. Thor would frequently team up though has rejected every offer to join the team due to his loyalty as an Avenger.
159. One of the Black Order members, Proxima Midnight, holds a grudge towards Gamora due to scarring her left arm during a battle after the latter betrayed her father.
160. The Spaceknights, led by Rom, are affliated with them.


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