400 Details of the Ultraverse (3/20)

From my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/adrenalinerush1996/art/400-Details-of-the-Ultraverse-3-20-844060816

41. Founding members of the Justice League are Clark Kent / Kal-El (Superman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Diana of Themyscria / Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen (Flash), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter), Shayera Hol (Hawkwoman), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) and Mari Jiwe McCabe (Vixen).
42. The Justice League were influenced by their direct predecessors the Justice Society.
43. Clark was once considered to be a running mate for his fellow friend Pete Ross on his presidential campaign, but he declined the offer, as he wasn't a natural born citizen. So, Prez Rickard became his running mate, thus this led to Ross winning the election, beating rival Lex Luthor.
44. Bruce considered retiring with the intention of taking over Checkmate, following the unfortunate events that had affected his life, most notably the death of his ex sweetheart Rachel Dawes at the hands of Firefly. However, after Gotham City was under attack by Hydra, he had a change of heart and eventually stayed on.
45. Diana's origins are the same as her pre-Flashpoint comic book counterpart, though her current costume is based on the New 52/Rebirth costume.
46. In one huge deviation, Reverse-Flash doesn't kill Barry's mother but instead Barry's mentor Ira West, who ultimately never lives to see his daughter Iris marry him because of this.
47. Arthur's parents are alive and well in this version like in the DCEU.
48. J'onn's human alter ego is Calvin Swanwick like what Zack Snyder had envisioned for him in Justice League before leaving prior to reshoots.
49. Shayera Hol is based on her comic book and DCAU counterparts, most notably the latter due to her relationship with John Stewart.
50. Hal's late father Martin once served in the Air Force with Max Tennyson. Indeed, Martin almost joined the Plumbers but sadly was perished in a plane crash before he could accept it.
51. Jefferson originally wasn't interested in joining the League as he felt that he better off as a solo superhero but after teaming up with his fellow Marine buddy and brother-in-law John Stewart, he eventually had a change of heart and accepted the offer.
52. Captain America was once offered to join the League but he declined the offer, opting to stay with the Avengers. Nonetheless, Wally was offered to join the Avengers but declined after disagreements with Quicksilver.
53. John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara co-lead Justice League Dark.
54. Ted is alive in this continuity, even serving as Jaime's mentor.
55. In addition to Captain America, notable heroes who declined offers to join include Adam of Etheria (He-Man) and his sister Adora of Eternia (She-Ra), Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible), Daniel Dreiberg (Nite Owl), Narda Varga (Darna), Optimus Prime, Thor Odinson (Thor), Captain Planet, Anung un Rama (Hellboy), Vampirella, Peter Cannon (Thunderbolt), Major Glory and Dan Anderson (Plutonian), the latter of which was rejected when Superman suspected that something was quite off about him and his suspicions proved to be true when the Plutonian ended up being a remorseless, irredeemable monster.
56. Oliver Queen was good friends with Hal and Barry before he and his on-off girlfriend Laurel Lance joined the League as Green Arrow and Black Canary.
57. Billy Batson's alter ego is Captain Marvel, not Shazam and like in pre-Flashpoint continuity, he and Mary are biological siblings than foster siblings (hence Bromfield is instead his mother's maiden name than his sister's last name in post-Flashpoint continuity).
58. Diana's mother Hippolyta served as Wonder Woman when she was part of the Justice Society and remains good friends with fellow teammates Jay Garrick, Alan Scott, Dinah Lance, Maxine Hunkel and Ted Grant.
59. Shiera Saunders, the Hawkwoman of the Justice League, is the mother of Shayera and Kendra, who is Hawkgirl in the Titans, thus making the latter two maternal half-sisters.
60. Despite being the paternal half-brother of Dru-Zod, Val-Zod is more heroic than him like his nephew Lor-Zod.


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